
STEVENS. On January 17, at Mater Dei Hospital , CLIFFORD WILLIAM, widower of Mary Phyllis, née Fenech, of St Paul’s Bay, passed peacefully away aged 87. He leaves to mourn his loss his beloved daughters Estelle and her husband Martin, Marie Therese and her husband Jesmond, Anne Marie and her husband Jude and Yvette, his grandchildren Richard, Alice May, Cliff, Emma Jane, Mark, Jessica, Martina, Yazmin, Jade and Sarah, and his great-grandchildren Jack, Pippa, Emily, Sofia and Leo. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Wednesday, January 22, at 7.45am for St Francis of Assisi parish church, Qawra, where Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated at 8.30am followed by interment at the Divine Mercy cemetery, St Paul’s Bay. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi will be appreciated.

TORTELL. On January 16, DORIS, née Nicholl, aged 90, went to meet the Risen Lord after a long illness borne with Christian fortitude, comforted by the rites of Holy Church and surrounded by all her loved ones. She leaves to mourn her irreparable loss her beloved caring husband of 66 years Augustus, her sons David and his wife Roberta, Brian and his partner Isabel and her most adored grandchildren Edward, Andrew, Matthew, Shaun and Isabel’s daughter Miah, her sister Frances, her in-laws Peter, Philip, Carmen, Valerie, Josephine and John, her many nephews and nieces, numerous relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Monday, January 20, at 8.15am, for St Gregory’s parish church, Sliema, where Mass praesente cadevere will be said at 8.45am followed by interment at the Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza and Puttinu Cares will be appreciated. The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to all the staff at both Golden Care Home and Simblija Care Home for all their care and dedication which they showed throughout her long illness. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.

In Memoriam

APAP BOLOGNA – ELIZABETH. Treasured memories of our most precious and beloved mother. Deeply missed every day. Forever in our memories, forever in our hearts. Angela, Philip, Sandra and Steven.

BARTOLI. In loving memory of GISA on the 11th anniversary of her demise. Her daughter Veronica, her son Edmund and their families. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

BONNICI. In ever loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother OLGA, on the sixth anniversary of her demise. Forever in our hearts and prayers. Deeply missed and remembered with much love Henry, Mireille, Marisha, Steven, Conrad, and Ilona.

CAUCHI – NATHALIE of Floriana, former employee Café Cordina. Sadly missed by her mother Josephine and family on her 39th anniversary.

DEBONO. In everlasting memory of our brother HARRY, today being the second anniversary of his demise. Always remembered by his brother, sisters, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, in-laws and friends. Merciful Jesus, grant him eternal rest.

GALEA – In loving and unfading memories of our parents, our father PAUL on his 52nd anniversary, and our mother IMELDA (née Bonello) on her seventh anniversary of their passing to eternal life. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Catherine, Joseph, Marthese, Mark and family.

GLANVILLE. In memory of FRANCIS and MARIA, beloved parents, on the anniversary of their demise Always in our thoughts and prayers. Lina, Joseph and Bernadette.

MUSCAT. In sweet and tender memory of our beloved Perit TONY MUSCAT, a much missed husband to Elspeth and father to Duncan, Keith, and Nicole, who filled our lives with endless love, kindness and laughter. Masses for the repose of his soul will be said today, Sunday, January 19, at 12.15pm, and tomorrow, Monday, January 20, at 6.30pm, at Tal-Ibraġ parish church. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

URPANI. In loving memory of JOSIE, a dearly beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, on the fifth anniversary of his demise. Never forgotten and deeply missed by his wife Jojo, daughters Giselle, Brigitte and Michelle and their families. Always in our thoughts and prayers.

Ġorġ Cilia together with his sons Mark and Karl would like to thank the reverend clergy who celebrated Mass, as well as relatives and friends who attended the funeral, sent flowers and donations to Hospice Malta, Balzan, and all those who showed sympathy on the sad loss of a beloved wife and mother AMALIA who went to meet the Risen Lord on December 7, 2024. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

EMMANUEL 'BILLY' FORMOSA. On the 17th anniversary of his meeting with Christ the Redeemer.  "Death has left a vacant place, This world can never fill, The happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still."  Remembered and dearly missed by Nikolina, Darren Emanuel,  Alison and Owen, William and Martina.  A memorial Mass will be held on Monday 20th January at 6pm at Sant' Andrija Chapel, Mosta. The attendance of family and friends will be appreciated. 

Treasured memories of a beloved husband and father SAVIOUR MICALLEF (30.11.1962 - 19.01.2019) being the sixth anniversary of his demise. As I close my eyes upon going to bed; Thoughts of you creep into my head; As I fall asleep I know you are near' I feel your Touch and miss you; So much I see you clearly as if you are here; I don't want to wake for fear you'll disappear each night; I wait for my dreams to begin so I can see your face and hold your hand once again; I know you are In a better place and I hold dear; The precious memories that distance cannot erase. Keeping you in my dreams is all I can do it seems, but oh how I wish I'd wake and you are still here; But I know you are always near, and that we'll be together again one day until then I'll keep dreaming. Loving and missing you with all my heart while you and I are apart. From your wife CARMEN MICALLEF. Mass for the repose of his soul will be said today Sunday, 19th January 2025 at 10am at the Holy Trinity Church, Marsa Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Lord, grant him eternal rest. 

VINCENZA TONNA today the 14th anniversary of her demise, January 22, 2011 Deeply missed by her husband Francesco, her sons Lewis and Neville and their families, relatives and friends in Malta and abroad. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

MARIA XUEREB (30.4.1927 - 14.1.2011) BARTOLOMEO XUEREB (25.2.1926 – 21.1.2012). In loving memory of our most dedicated parents. From your numerous family, Speranza, Grace and Victor, Angelo and Jessie, Doris and Salvu, Mary and Joe, Joe, Albert and Rose, Manuel and Marlene, Lucy and Joe, Carmen and Leli, Paul and Marlene, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May you rest in peace.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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