Announcements − July 1, 2024

Today's social and personal listings

July 1, 2024| Times of Malta |02 min read
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PADOVANI. FRANCES, widow of Lino, aged 89, passed away peacefully at Mater Dei Hospital on June 28 comforted by the rites of Holy Church and surrounded by her loved ones. She leaves to mourn her loss her son Anthony, her daughter Marthese, her grandsons Leonard and his wife Stephanie, Andrew and Maria, and Luca, relatives and all her friends from the Santa Maria church community. Mass to celebrate her life will be said at the Santa Maria church, Birkirkara (il-Knisja l-Qadima), tomorrow, Tuesday, July 2, at 8am, followed by interment at the Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, we thank you for her life and entrust her into your eternal Light.     

In Memoriam

PARNIS. In ever-loving memory of Lt. Col. ERIC PARNIS, on the fifth anniversary of his death. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His family.

VELLA. Cherished and loving memories of JESSIE, a beloved mother and grandmother, on the 41st anniversary of her meeting with the Lord. Her family.

In loving memory of PAULINE DEI MARCHESI TESTAFERRATA DE NOTO widow of Marchese Emmanuele on the11th anniversary of her demise 1.7.2013 - 1.7.2024 Hi mum, 11 years later I still miss your hug, your smile, yourencouragement, your laughter. I still miss picking up the phoneto call you and ask for a blessing before I go to sleep. God, I ask of you please to take care of my mama, papa' and my sister Nathalie. They were also my best friends.I miss them all so much with every passing day. My love for you all will never fade away. Mum, I can't repay the lessons that you taught me whenI was small, or repay you for your gifts. The daily treasures I recall I can't return: encouragement or loving words of praise in quite the way you did for methroughout all my childhood days. But there's one gift that I can give. It's all the love you've earned. For love is what you always taught and love is what I learned. One last wish, mum, dad and Nathalie.Mum, in my dreams you told me that you are all in Heaven,in the arms of my One and only love of life, Jesus. Intercede for me and my Monastery, that I may continue to dothe will of God - no matter what - until my end of time. Your ever faithful daughter Donna Maria Adeodata dei Marchesti Testaferrata de Noto OSB (Catherine) Abbess Mdina

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