ATTARD – HELMA, née Gollcher. In ever loving memory of a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother, today the seventh anniversary of her passing. Martyn, Seda and Mira-Helma.

CAUCHI. In loving memory of GEORGETTE, a beloved wife and mother, on the 24th anniversary of her passing away to eternal life. Fondly remembered by her family, relatives and friends. May she rest in the peace of Christ.

COPPINI – MARIE, née Depasquale. On the third anniversary of her death, we cherish the memories of a devoted and treasured mama and nanna. Time does indeed fly, but her gentle smile is always with us. Forever in our hearts – Antonia, Emma and Simon.

DARMENIA – MARIA, née Felice Gay, 23.7.1991. Treasured memories of a dear mother and grandmother. Deeply missed and lovingly remembered by all her family. Mass for the repose of her soul will be said today at 6.30pm at Balzan parish church.

DEPASQUALE – PAUL. Unfading and treasured memories of a beloved brother on the first anniversary of his death. Lovingly remembered by his brothers and sisters, in-laws, nephews and nieces and their families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

FENECH PACE – ERIC. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather on the sixth anniversary of his demise. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Lovingly remembered by his wife Mariella, his children Eric and Mikela, Louisa and Ruben and his grandchildren Carla, Lisa, Anna, Luca, Sarah, Rebecca and Eric. A mass for the repose of his soul will be said today, Tuesday, July 23, at 6.30pm at Santa Marija tal-Anġli church, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

FENECH PACE. In loving memory of ERIC on the sixth anniversary of his passing to eternal life. Deeply missed by his sisters Marina, wife of Leslie Lowell and Mariella, his nieces Anita and Julie, relatives and friends. Forever in our hearts. May he rest in God’s peace. Kindly remember him in your thoughts and prayers.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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