CAMILLERI. On June 15, PATRICIA, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her great loss her brother Paul and Edwina Camilleri, her sister Anna and Gordon Mizzi, her sister-in-law Helen, widow of her brother Alan, her nephews and nieces who she loved dearly and her devoted carer Marilyn and her family. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Saturday, June 22, at 9.30am for Attard parish church where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 10am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Hospice Malta, Balzan, would be greatly appreciated. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.
In Memoriam
CALLEJA – MAURICE EDWARD CALLEJA, former Brigadier AFM, 31.8.1934-21.6.2022. In loving memory of my husband. Always in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Yana.
FENECH – STELLA. In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, today the 31st anniversary of her demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Flavia, Lorry, Erika and Ivan.
FENECH – STELLA. In ever loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother on the 31st anniversary of her death. Fondly remembered by her daughter Beatrix Asciak, her grandchildren Stanley, Pierre, Marielouise and Antoine and their families. May she rest in peace.
GALEA – LINA. On the 17th anniversary of her departing this life to meet the Risen Lord. Always dearly remembered in thoughts and prayers. Her niece Rosette.
GRIMA. Of your charity, remember in your prayers MARIA, née Ragonesi, widow of Harry, an adored mother, grandmother and great-grandmother whom the good Lord called unto Himself 10 years ago today. Still, as ever, so very close to our hearts. Her family.
PALMIER – MARCELINE, a dear and cherished mother and grandmother, on the fifth anniversary of her passage to eternal life. Remembered with love and forever in our hearts. Lorraine, George, Kevin and Rose. May she rest in peace.
PISANI – CORINNE, 1963-1969. Treasured and unfading memories of a much loved daughter. Helen and Joe.
PISANI – CORINNE. Treasured and unfading memories of my dearest sister on her anniversary. MayAnne.
SANSONE. In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather, OSCAR, on the 56th anniversary of his demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His sons and daughters, in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Kindly remember him in your daily prayers. The 6.30pm Mass being said today at Stella Maris parish church, Sliema, will be offered for the repose of his soul.
SCHEMBRI – MARIA. In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother today the 18th anniversary of her passing away. Her family. Lord, grant her eternal rest.
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