Announcements – March 15, 2023

Today’s social and personal listings

March 15, 2023| Times of Malta |05 min read
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AQUILINA. On March 13, MARIO, aged 85, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his loss his beloved friend, partner and wife of 70 years, Phyllis, née Felici, his daughters Angele and David Tabone, Karen and Alan Alden, his grandchildren Andrew, Sarah and Nicholas, Malcolm and Luisa, Jeremy and Francesca and Stephanie and David; his adored great-grandchildren Kyra, Harry, Emily and baby Sophia; his sister Rosary, and his sisters-in-law Lydia and Nikki Aquilina, Myriam Diacono and Eileen Mifsud; nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated tomorrow, Thursday, March 16, at 2pm at Stella Maris parish church, Sliema. No flowers by request but donations to Hospice Malta, Balzan, would be appreciated. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

GRIMA. On March 14, at Mater Dei Hospital, JOSEPH, aged 86, went to meet the Risen Lord comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife Carmen, née Sant, his children Rudolph and Conrad and his wife Glorianne, his grandchildren Kyle and Isaac, his sister Mary and her husband Alfred, Vivie, widow of his brother Victor, his in-law Joseph, widower of Theresa, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends.The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital, tomorrow, Thursday, March 16, at 1.30pm, for St Mark’s church, Rabat (Santu Wistin) where Mass praesente cadavere will be held at 2pm. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal- Providenza, Siġġiewi, would be appreciated. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

In Memoriam

BEZZINA – ANTHONY. On the second anniversary of his demise, lovingly remembered by his wife Maria, daughter Juliana and her husband Kevin, son Ranier and his wife Alexia, and grandchildren Lara, Nicholas and Giulia. A remembrance Mass will be held on Saturday, March 18 at 7.30pm at Christ the King Basilica, Paola. Relatives and friends are invited to attend and remember him in their prayers. May he rest in eternal peace.

BEZZINA – ANTHONY. Treasured memories of a dear brother and uncle, Tony, on the second anniversary of his demise. Never forgotten by his brother Victor, his sister Gina and their respective families. Please remember him in your prayers. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

BONNICI. In loving memory of MARTIN, a beloved brother and uncle, on the first anniversary of his death. Peter, Caroline, Sandra, Ricky, Theresa, Mark, Nikki and their families. A prayer is solicited.

BRINCAT – IVAN. Always in our hearts and minds, especially today the third anniversary of your sudden passing. Lovingly remembered by your wife Romina and son Christian.

BRINCAT. Treasured memories of our dearest son IVAN on the third anniversary of his meeting with the Lord. Sorely missed and always loved and remembered by his parents Thelma and Joe, his aunt Sr Marian Carabott, MSOLA, his aunt Connie and uncle Bernard, other relatives and friends. Dear Lord, grant him eternal rest. Today’s 6.30pm Mass at St Mary’s parish church, Attard, will be offered for the repose of his soul.

BRINCAT. Loving memories of my dearest brother IVAN on the third anniversary of his departing to eternal life. Fondly remembered and sadly missed by his sister Elaine, her husband Arthur, his nephews Matthew and Andrew, and Katrina and Nicole, other relatives and friends. Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near us. Rest in peace dear Ivan.

FERRY – ROSEMARY, née Daly, 11.1.’47-15.3.’22. In loving memory of our dear sister, today being the first anniversary of her passing on to join our parents James and Teresa Daly. Dear Rose, your family will never forget your kindness, generosity and beautiful smile.

GAUCI MAISTRE. In loving memory of MARIE ROSETTE, today being the 17th anniversary of her death. Fondly remembered by her brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews and nieces. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

RIZZO. Cherished and unfading memories of JOSEPHINE on the first anniversary of her death. Always remembered with love by her husband John, her daughters Johanna and Patricia and their respective husbands Edwin and Norval. Sorely missed by her precious grandchildren Matthew, Nicola, Marcus, Philippa and Timmy and their partners. Mass for the repose of her soul will be said today at Tal-Ibraġ church at 6.30pm. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

In loving memory of RALPH ARRIGO who went to meet the Risen Lord on March 15, 1993. Treasured memories of a dear husband, father and grandfather on the 30th anniversary of his death. We hold you in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our prayers. Lovingly remembered by his son’s widow Marina, Joanna, Angela and Trevor, Veronica and Julian, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

BONNICI – In loving memory of a beloved husband, father and grandfather, MARTIN, on the first anniversary of his passing to eternal life, on March 15, 2022, and of a loving daughter and sister, GAYLE, on the 20th anniversary of her untimely death on March 19, 2003, now both reunited in heaven. Fondly remembered and sadly missed by Tessa, Lisa, Sarah, Janis and Faye, grandchildren Nicola, Kate, John, Emma, Ana, Leah, Alexander, Daniel, Edward and Hannah, other relatives and friends. A Mass for the repose of their souls will be held tomorrow, Thursday, March 16 at 6.30pm at the Convent of the Sacred Heart chapel, St Julians. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Lord, grant them eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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