Golden Wedding


JOSEPH and JO JO chose St Joseph’s feast day for their wedding day, 50 years ago on March 19, 1975. Joe’s cousin, Rev. Dr Charles Delia, SJ, who passed on to eternal life only a few weeks ago, officiated at their wedding at St Julian’s parish church. They were soon gifted with an adorable son, Jürgen, who is married to Laura. The lovely young couple are now parents to Nick and Steffanie, who have inherited so many lovely traits from their parents and grandparents. Deo gratias et Mariæ.


ATTARD. On March 16, at St Vincent de Paul residence, JOSEPHINE, widow of Paul, aged 95, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. Loved and fondly remembered by her daughters Anna and her husband Joseph Zammit McKeon, Mona and her husband Harry Smith, her grandchildren Alessia and Nicolas, Andrew, Angele and Clive, Ruth and Jean, and Keith and Sophie, her great-grandchildren Edward, Kate, Greg, Luke, Thomas, and Ana, and her sister Evelyn, wife of Saviour Zammit, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortege leaves St Vincent de Paul residence on Friday, March 21, at 9.15am, for Our Saviour parish church, Lija, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 10am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, will be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

AZZOPARDI. On March 16, LEWIS, aged 75, from Lija residing in Mosta, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He will be remembered and cherished by his wife Monica, his daughters Lisa-Ann, Karen-Lee, Lara-Jayne, their respective spouses Kenneth, John and Italo, his grandchildren Chloe, Kai, Nina-Lee , Mikele, Elle, and Gianluca, his in-laws and their spouses, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Good Samaritan Hospital on Friday, March 21 at 8.30am for the Divine Mercy church, Naxxar, where mass præsente cadavere will be said at 9.30am.No flowers by request but donations to Dar Bjorn would be greatly appreciated.Lord, grant him eternal rest.

Agatha GrixtiAgatha Grixti

GRIXTI. On March 17, at the age of 96, AGATHA went to meet the Risen Lord. She is mourned by her siblings Rose and René, Marvic, widow of her nephew Charles Grixti, her great-nephews Philip and Jonathan and their families, her sister-in-law Mary, widow of her brother Emanuel, and her nephews and nieces in Malta, UK and Australia. The funeral cortège leaves The Imperial care home in Sliema at 9am on Friday, March 21, for the Carmelite church, Balluta where mass praesente cadavere will be held at 9.30am. No flowers by request but donations to Puttinu Cares will be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

In Memoriam

ATTARD. In loving memory of ADRIAN, today being the 11th anniversary of his passing away to eternal life. Fondly remembered by his wife Anna, his children Alan and Nicola, Alexia and Aldo, Alison and Saviour, his grandchildren and family. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

ATTARD. Treasured memories of our beloved brother and brother-in-law, ADRIAN, on the 11th anniversary of his demise. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Monica, Rita and Edward, Alex and Sandra, nephews and niece. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

CAMILLERI – EDWIDGE, 19.3.2002. A beloved sister forever lovingly remembered. Lord, grant her eternal rest. Violet and Antoinette.

DISTEFANO – HENRY. Treasured memories of a dearly beloved father on the 16th anniversary of his demise. Deeply missed by his daughters, Nadya, Corinne and Michele, together with their respective families.

GALEA ST JOHN. Treasured memories of HELEN, a beloved wife, mother and grandmother, on the first anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Deeply missed and lovingly remembered by her husband Tony, her children Stephen and Sandra, Angele, Maria and Johann, Ruth and Claudio and her beloved grandchildren. A Mass for the repose of her soul will be celebrated today, Wednesday, March 19, at 7.15pm, at the University chapel. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

INSARDÀ. In loving memory of FABIO, today being the eighth anniversary of his demise. So deeply missed. So vividly remembered. Marie and family.

LANFRANCO – IRMA. Honouring the memory of a truly beloved wife, mother and cherished grandmother on the second anniversary of her passing. You are missed more than words can ever express but you will live forever in our hearts. Robert, Odette, Roger and all the family. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

MIFSUD. In loving memory of CHARLES, today the 16th anniversary of his demise. Forever remembered by his wife Ruth, his sons Peter, Ian, Rupert and Marc, in-laws and grandchildren. Merciful Jesus, grant him eternal rest.

MIFSUD WISMAYER. In loving memory of FRANÇOIS on the first anniversary of his demise. Forever in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Deeply missed by his son David and his mother Caroline, his parents Gaston and Marie Therese, his brother Claude together with his wife Inga and her son Luca. May the Lord grant him eternal rest. Masses for the repose of his soul will be celebrated this Thursday, March 20, at 7.30am, at Our Lady of Good Counsel church, Paceville, and at 6.30pm at the Millennium Chapel, Paceville.

PACE. ANTONIO – In loving memory our dear father and grandfather on the 36th anniversary of his death. His children Sandra, Mark, Marian, John and their respective families. Kindly remember him in your prayers.

VELLA. In loving memory of HELEN, today the first anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Fondly remembered by her husband Paul, sons Kevin and his wife Berta, Keith and his wife Alison and Karl and his wife Donata, her grandchildren Andrew, Lana, Ilaria, Sofia and Giacomo, her brother and sisters, in-laws and many other relatives and friends. Lord, grant her eternal rest.   

ZAMMIT AGUIRRE GONZALEZ. In loving memory of our beloved FRANCESCO, today being the first anniversary of his demise. Deeply and forever missed by his wife Brenda, his son José, his parents Emanuel and Antoinette, his mother-in-law Estela, in-laws, relatives and friends. A Mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated on March 21 at 5.30pm at the chapel of Ġesú Ħniena Divina Sanctuary, San Pawl tat-Tarġa. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

In loving and unfading memory of MICHAEL ATTARD on the first anniversary of his demise on March 26, 2024. Deeply missed and forever loved by his wife Vivian, his beloved children Lucianne and her husband Edmund, Richmund and his wife Anne, his precious grandson Luigi, his brothers and sisters and in-laws. Mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated on Sunday, March 23rd at 11am, at the Sagra Familja chapel, Bidnija. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

JOHN MIZZI (ex-Director of Mizzi Organisation) 19.3.1994. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather on the 31st anniversary of his demise. Remembered always and greatly missed by his sons Brian, Ian and his wife Jackie, Chris and their children. A Mass for the repose of his soul will be said today at St Patrick’s church, Sliema.

In loving memory of WILFRED GATT. Thank you Daddy, Nanny, Nannu Buz and your beloved Thérèse, for the life you gave us. Your joie de vivre was captivating. We miss you both. We miss your love, your smiles, laughter and whistle. Kindly remember them in your thoughts and prayers, today being our father’s 26th anniversary of his passing. Vivian, Stephen, Lawrence, Elena, Joanna and all our family members.

In loving memory of ANTHONY (Ninu) BARTOLO who passed on to eternal life on March 19, 2010. Loved, missed, remembered forever. Deeply missed by his wife Maria, children, spouses and grandchildren.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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