
ATTARD. On September 3, Notary Dr PIERRE ATTARD, aged 64, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He will always be loved and cherished by his beloved wife Marisa, née Cutugno, his children Simon and his wife Emma, Louisa and her partner Michael, Paul and his wife Ninia, his grandchildren Julia, Emily, Suzie and Frank, his sisters Antoinette and her husband Stephen Muscat, Josette and her husband Stephen Rausi, his brother Stefan and his wife Pia, his mother-in-law Violet Cutugno, his in-laws Kristina and her husband Bernie Uhlmann, Anna and her husband Leonard Galea, John and his wife Marcela Cutugno, Paula and her husband Andrew Forte, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Monday, September 9, for the parish church of St Julian’s, where Mass to celebrate his life will be said at 9am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Donations to Puttinu Cares Foundation will be greatly appreciated. May the Lord, grant him eternal rest.

In Memoriam

CAMILLERI – JANE. In loving and unfading memories of a dear mother and grandmother today being the 21st anniversary of her demise. Lovingly remembered and very sadly missed by Paul and Edwina, Anna and Gordon, Helen and her grandchildren. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.

Take her in Thine arms oh Lord,

And ever let her be

A messenger of Love

Between our hearts and Thee.

PORTELLI – ALDO and LINA. In loving memory of our dear parents, two years since their passing, forever united in love. Fondly remembered by their daughters and families.

VINCENTI – LOUIS. On the fifth anniversary of his death. Not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed. You will be held in our hearts forever. Lots of love from Nancy, Edwina and Alfred, Pricilla and David, Melchior, Isaac, Malcolm and Jack.

ENRICA ROSE MIFSUD BONNICI (15.2.2006 - 6.9.2019). In loving memory of Enrica who went to God’s garden five years ago. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her parents Pamela and Tonio, her brother Stefano, Nannu Antoine, Nannu Leopold and Nanna Mary, aunties and uncles, cousins Michela, Cristina, Andrew and Emma, relatives and friends. Mass for the repose of her soul will be said today, September 6, at 7pm at St Julians parish church. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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