After six months of suffering and many, many years helping at home, at St George’s Basilica, Victoria, and helping many elderly and sick people in Gozo, Josette recently passed away peacefully, comforted by the holy sacraments, and started her journey to meet the Lord – in whom she loved her neighbour more than herself – in eternal life. She was 72 years young.
Her parents, Anton and Maria, brought up their six children disciplined, united, respectful, in the love of God. That was the way she was nurtured and that is how she lived throughout her life.
Her siblings and many people in the parish are mourning a great Catholic woman who dedicated her life to others. The look in her eyes, in synch with the heavenly smile on her beautiful youthful face, were a gift. She was friendly, welcoming and helpful to whoever needed her help.
Some years ago she consecrated herself in the Order of Virgins: a bride to Jesus Christ. And three months ago, she assertively declared she was happy to be going away to meet her groom, God. What a faith!
I knew Josette since her childhood days; her family and mine grew a friendship bond that my brother Giovanni sealed for life when he married Betty, one of Josette’s sisters.
You shall be missed, Josette, especially by your brothers Antoine and John, your sisters Ina, Alda, Betty and their families, us, the parishioners of St George, many elderly and sick who knew you and appreciated your special caring friendship and help.
May the memory of your life with us remain as a beacon of true faith, of sincere love, of Christian generosity, and of heartfelt care.
My condolences to your brothers, sisters, their families and relatives.
And may you enjoy the Almighty whom you loved and adored throughout your life.