Appreciation: Mary Robinson

‘One of its most ardent, energetic and dedicated’ officials of the George Cross Island Association

March 21, 2023| Times of Malta |02 min read
Image: Times of MaltaImage: Times of Malta

The George Cross Island Association lost one of its most ardent, energetic and dedicated officials on March 19, after a sudden illness.

Mary Robinson was the honorary treasurer and membership secretary and a very capable events organiser of the Malta G.C. branch for the past decade, closely supporting her husband Peter, the honorary chairman of the branch, in all its activities and functions.

She was known for her very posi­tive and sociable character which exuded warmth and sympathy to all those who came in contact with her. Mary and Peter were inseparable and together they formed a team that kept the Malta Branch alive and active over the years.

At functions and commemorations, she always proudly wore the service medals of her father who perished while serving in an anti-aircraft battery of the Royal Malta Artillery in 1942 during the worst period of the Malta Siege, and perhaps she was the person most entitled to wear these medals on her right breast to commemorate the father she never got to know.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to Peter, her devoted and loving husband. Her loss will be felt by all the Malta Branch members and no doubt by all the members of our association who were fortunate enough to encounter her whenever they visited Malta in our April reunions over the years.

We bid her farewell and pray to the Lord to give Peter the fortitude to bear this sad loss.

Judge Joseph Galea Debono,

honorary president, George Cross Island Association

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