Appreciation – Mgr Paul Cremona

He was a mirror of the Merciful Face of God

March 22, 2025| Giovanni Cefai1 min read
Mgr Paul Cremona. Photo: Archdiocese of MaltaMgr Paul Cremona. Photo: Archdiocese of Malta

I join the population of Malta, the Dominican Province and the relatives of Mgr Paul Cremona, Emeritus Archbishop of Malta, in sharing my prayers and condolences at the news of his passing to eternal life.

Though saddened, I feel a deep consolation in my heart because I truly believe Malta has another saint who can intercede for us. We all must learn from him and let him live among us through his example and his humble life. It is a blessing that he was called to eternal life right on the stroke of the celebration of the solemnity of St Joseph, the model of humility.

Mgr Paul was a mirror of the Merciful Face of God; a channel through whom one can experience the presence of God. He was a mystic dedicated to God and His people.

That was my experience when I visited him in the Dominican convent in Rabat nearly six years ago. I cherish the gift of an episcopal ring he gave me on that occasion which I now cherish as a relic of this holy man.

Thank you Mgr Paul. Rest in peace and pray for us.

Bishop Giovanni Cefai, MSSP, Bishop of the Prelature of Huancane, Peru


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