A solo exhibition featuring recent paintings by Silvio John Camilleri is being held at the Wignacourt Museum in Rabat.

The artist’s new works retain connections to an earlier series of his, notably his fascination with the urban environment as evidenced by the prominent representation of flyovers. 

Yet here, the artist also includes a prominent element of human presence, where the peripheral areas of urban towns seem inhabited by various characters, at times engaged in the mundane tasks of daily life, or acting as indifferent observers, or retreating to the fringes of society − people often labelled as ‘outcasts’ by the mainstream.

<em>This Last Night in Sodom No. 2</em>This Last Night in Sodom No. 2

The collection aims to highlight the resilience and adaptability of all those living within the urban system, suggesting that, despite its challenges, there remains a potential for transcendence.

Urban Dreamscapes runs at the Wignacourt Museum, Parish Square, College Street, Rabat, until January 25. The opening hours are Monday to Sunday from 9.30am to 5pm (last admittance at 4.15pm). More information may be obtained from the artist’s social media profiles.

<em>Cardboard Box City No. 3</em> by Silvio John CamilleriCardboard Box City No. 3 by Silvio John Camilleri

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