A thalidomide victim who campaigned for other victims to be compensated and a blind woman who leads disability training programmes have been jointly awarded the 2024 Premju Soċjetà Ġusta (Fair Society Prize).

Anatole Baldacchino and Christine Mifsud were named joint winners by President Myriam Spiteri Debono, in the presence of Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia and permanent secretary Mark Musù.

The Premju Soċjetà Ġusta celebrates people with a disability who stand out for their positive contributions to society.

Baldacchino has researched Thalidomide – a medication that was given to pregnant women in the 1950s and 60s which it was later discovered caused severe birth defects – and wrote a book about its impact in Malta, titled The Malta Thalidomide Affair’.

He has been vociferious in campaigning for thalidomide victims and played a key role in ensuring 25 such victims received state compensaton. Baldacchino is also a regular on TV and radio shows concerning disability.

Mifsud, who is blind, lives independently and works for the CRPD, where she leads training programmes known as Disability Equality Training (DETs). She is a vocal advocate of disability rights and presents a radio show about the topic.

Lawyer Alistair De Gaetano received a lifetime achievement award for his work within the disability sector. De Gaetano drafted many disability-related laws over the years and played a leading role in developing more accessible state Services. He currently serves as chairperson of the Autism Advisory Council.

Winners on the night. Photo: DOI/Clodagh O'NeillWinners on the night. Photo: DOI/Clodagh O'Neill

The Vikings Sailing Club won an award for the voluntary organisation that best worked to improve inclusion. The sailing club organised sailing training programmes focused on children with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Paralympic athletes Maja Theuma and Antonio Flores were celebrated for their sporting achievements.

Voice for Inclusion Gozo were cited for their work to further social inclusion in Gozo through things like their Skolasajf initiative focused on children with a disability in Sannat.

67 students were enrolled in the course this year, up by 17 from the previous year.

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