The Office of the Prime Minister has published the terms of reference of an administrative inquiry into the circumstances which led to a drug heist from the AFM's Safi Barracks on Saturday night.

225kg of cannabis resin were stolen from a container which was being held there at the request of the law courts, since it was part of evidence in a magisterial inquiry. The drug was part of a bigger haul seized from Malta Freeport in June.

The inquiry will be conducted by retired judge Geoffrey Valenzia and has a March 14 deadline.

The inquiry has been tasked to:

  • Establish the facts, processes, procedures, laws and systems which led to court exhibits being held in the custody of the AFM;
  • Establish whether all necessary security precautions were taken;
  • Establish any relationship in the actions taken by various entities in relation to the case;
  • Make the necessary recommendations both regulatory and administrative. 

The returned judge was also asked to advise the government whether his report should be published, in view of security and judicial considerations. 

The prime minister's letter to judge Valenzia setting out the terms of reference can be seen in full by clicking the pdf below. 

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