Fr Petros Abebe Thomas of Ethiopia, who was recently in Malta as guest of the Living Waters Mission Team, paid a visit to the grave of Dun Ġorġ Grima, founder of the missionary movement Ġesu fil-Proxxmu, at Santa Marija cemetery in Xewkija.
Praying devoutly the rosary in front of the Grima family tomb, Fr Petros said he praised the Almighty for the memory of Dun Ġorġ for his great spiritual and material work among Ethiopians, including himself.
Dun Ġorġ’s movement, founded in 1987, carried out charity programmes in Brazil, Ethiopia and Kenya, setting up 200 homes.
Fr Petros also visited Ta’ Pinu sanctuary and celebrated mass with Mgr Anton Borg at St James church in Victoria.
The Living Waters Mission Team put their missionary spirit into action by offering time and talents to alleviate the dire living conditions of underprivileged communities.