A BirdLife International campaign calling for the EU to completely ban the use of lead in hunting, sport shooting, and fishing has come in for criticism by the FKNK Federation for Hunting and Conservation, the Federation of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters and the Malta Shooting Sport Federation.
They pointed out that discussions on a European Union-wide ban have been ongoing for years. "While it is clear that restrictions on lead will be implemented in due course, initiatives such as BirdLife International's petition seem designed to capitalise on this eventual outcome rather than to contribute constructively to the process," the federations said.
"By launching such a campaign now, they are positioning themselves to claim a public 'victory' when the inevitable legislative changes take place."
The Maltese federations said that before any further pressure was placed on hunting and sport shooting, the EU institutions must ensure that comprehensive, science-based assessments were carried out. These analyses must thoroughly evaluate the socio-economic impact, practical feasibility and environmental considerations associated with a lead ban.
"It is important to recognise that in many disciplines there are currently no fully satisfactory alternatives to lead ammunition that meet the technical, safety and performance requirements of each sector."
The federations urged policymakers to reject "emotionally driven campaigns" and instead adopt a balanced, evidence-based approach that considers and respects the needs of all stakeholders while ensuring environmental and public safety.