Gozo College Rabat Primary School, has for the seventh consecutive year, organised its annual festa day. The schoolyard was decorated with banners (bandalori) thanks to Għaqda Armar Santa Marija who volunteered to set up the decorations.

Students were encouraged to wear their festa gear and bring along confetti, flags and balloons to add to the festa spirit. The event started after 11am when all the children gathered in the ground.

There was an explosion of colours and merriment as soon as the live band started to play the first march. Miniature statues of St George, Santa Marija and the Sacred Heart of Jesus were carried shoulder high by students. All children were entertained to a slush and pastizzi.

The Festa Day was one of the many activities held at the school during the scholastic year which is about to come to an end. Head of school Lelio Spiteri thanked all those who made this event possible, including teachers and parents.

The school administration said Festa Day was meant to group all students together despite the fact that they hail from different parishes.

“There should be no rivalry or division but unity. We can disagree on a number of issues, including village feasts, but these should never infringe upon friendship and tolerance.”

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