First win for Maltese girls

The women's national team yesterday chalked up their first ever victory in international football after edging hosts Estonia 1-0 in their second match from the UEFA mini-tournament in Paide. After losing the opener to Croatia 3-0 last week, the Maltese...

June 30, 2008| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

The women's national team yesterday chalked up their first ever victory in international football after edging hosts Estonia 1-0 in their second match from the UEFA mini-tournament in Paide.

After losing the opener to Croatia 3-0 last week, the Maltese girls, inspired by Dorianne Theuma and Catherine Camilleri, produced a strong performance which saw them enjoying the better play for most of the first half. In fact, the Maltese had eight corners in favour to Estonia's two.

On resumption, Estonia came more into the picture but it was the Maltese who struck the all-important goal on 78 minutes. From a Theuma free-kick, it was Ylenia Carabott who anticipated her marker to head the ball home.

Malta will now complete their commitments on Wednesday when they face Turkey.

Malta: M. Zahra, R. D'Agostino, D. Theuma, Y. Carabott, M. Deguara, K. Lia (R. Chircop), R. Gatt (K. Saliba), S. Farrugia (L.A. Galea), M. Azzopardi, C. Camilleri, R. Cuschieri (D. Tonna).

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