Friday is Open Day at the Junior College

Visitors will be welcomed between 5.30pm and 9pm

February 27, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
The Junior College will be open for visitors on Friday evening. The Junior College will be open for visitors on Friday evening.

The Junior College is inviting the public, prospective students and their parents, to the Junior College Open Day 2024 on Friday from 5:30 to 9pm. During the event, the college will open its doors to allow the public and prospective students to get a sense of what college life is like, and to present a wide range of useful information on the subjects and programmes offered. 

Visitors can also meet the Principal, Subject Coordinators and lecturers. There will also be ongoing activities which form an integral part of college life.

More information can be obtained from

Programme details are available by scanning the QR code.Programme details are available by scanning the QR code.

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