The gainfully occupied population increased by nearly two per cent in March when compared to the corresponding month last year, the NSO said today.

Over a 12-month period to March, persons registered as working on a full-time basis increased by 3,022, reaching 154,137.

During the month under review, registered unemployed also increased by 384 persons to 7,350. As a result, the labour supply grew by 3,406 to 161,487.
Full-time employment within the Education sector  registered the highest increase when compared to the corresponding month in 2012 (+846 persons). During the
same period, the Administrative and Support Service Activities also rose,
reaching 788 persons.

On the contrary, full-time employment within Construction declined by 395 when compared to March 2012, to 11,672.

Full-time employment within the private sector went up by 2.1 per cent to 112,630.
Increases in full-time employment were recorded within Administrative and Support
Services  and in the Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities. During the same period, public sector full-time employment went up by 1.7 per cent, with the highest increase being recorded within Education.

When compared to March 2012, employees working on a full-time basis increased by 2.2 per cent, reaching 136,229. On the other hand, the number of self-employed rose by 0.8 per cent to 17,908.

Part-Time Employment

During March 2013, part-time employment went up by 5.3 per cent, reaching 55,522 persons, when compared to the corresponding month in 2012. The number of part-timers within Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles and Accommodation and food service activities increased by 609 and 439 persons respectively. On the other hand, part-timers in Education  dropped by
147 persons.

In March 2013, part-time employees who also held a full-time job increased by 796, with the highest increase being recorded among women (+560 persons). During this same period, an increase of 1,978 persons was recorded among employees who had a parttime job as their main employment.

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