The St. Hubert Hunters (KSU) in a statement deplored the judgement of the European

Court of Justice (ECJ) which banned spring hunting in Malta this year.

“It seems to us that the efforts of the government's defence team to present a strong case were undermined by the government’s failure to declare the spring hunting season open on the 10th of April, this date being the latest on which the season was ever opened,” the association said.

The government should have declared the season open with effect from 10th April to back up its belief in a right it claimed to have. At the same time it should have informed the ECJ of its action, adding as a sign of respect that if and when the ECJ decided against an open season, the government would have closed it, the association said.

“In the absence of an explanation by the Maltese government as to what prevented it from declaring the hunting season open as from the 10th April under the proviso described above, we conclude that the government’s inaction went against the interests of its defence team,” the association said.

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