The Nationalist Party has called on the government to update its list of medicines offered to mental health patients, arguing that it is unfair that some patients have to fork out their own money for the medicines they need.

In a statement, the party said some of the medicines on the government formulary are not the best for certain patients and they were being offered inferior products.

Others were finding that the medicines they need are out of stock.

The party called on the government to address both situations.

It also reiterated its plans for the mental health sector, including the building of a new mental health hospital, the provision of the best medicines, better provision of mental health services in the community, better assistance to NGOs that work in the sector and education to remove the stigma of mental health.

The statement was signed by Adrian Delia, shadow minister for health, Ian Vassallo, shadow minister for primary healthcare and mental health and Graziella Galea, shadow minister for inclusion and voluntary work.   


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