The NGO INTEKO is collaborating with Climate Fresk International and the HSBC Malta Foundation to organise a Climate Fresk workshop on Sunday, December 8, from 3 to 6pm. Such workshops provide quality climate education and are for anyone who wants to make a difference despite not being a climate scientist. 

The international Climate Fresk initiative is built on the assumption that to take action and build solutions, one first needs to understand the problem. Around 162 countries have joined the Climate Fresk movement, with around 86,000 volunteers trained and accredited to run such workshops.

The local workshop will be led by two trained HSBC Bank staff, who are accredited to run such workshops locally. It is the first Climate Fresk workshop that HSBC Bank employees are delivering on a voluntary basis at community level.

Climate Fresk is actually a scientific game about climate change created by Cedric Ringenbach, a French engineer and professor. It involves the placing of 42 cards in order of cause and effect to create a collage. 

All the information and data contained in the cards come from published scientific reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) − a group of experts mandated by the United Nations to provide a summary of all the available scientific knowledge about climate change for policymakers. IPCC experts base their reports on an evaluation of thousands of peer-reviewed papers. Thus, IPCC reports represent a scientific consensus on the subject of climate and climate change.

The game is fun, visual and collaborative. Participants are the ones thinking, discussing, debating with the support of the trained and accredited facilitators.

The workshop is divided into four phases: the scientific reflection phase; the creativity phase, where participants step back to creatively appropriate the concepts and create colourful visuals; talk about emotions; and discussion on how to act and react to the realities presented, both on an individual level, as well as on a collaborative collective basis.

The event is taking place at the Ċentru Pastorali Santa Marija tal-Anġli, Triq ix-Xambekk, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. To register, e-mail groupsbic2024@gmail. com or send an SMS to 7740 1631.

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