A shameful list of murky deals

I compiled a list of alleged government induced corruption cases or where government and its entities’ employees were involved between 2013 and the present time:

1. The massive and partially successful attempt to give away three public hospitals to nondescript foreign companies.

2. A botched-up tender for Wasteserv to introduce a modern incinerator costing around €600,000,000 cancelled by the courts.

3. The unbelievable, yet, successful social services fraudulent use of false medical certificates to benefit Labour supporters who ended up in court.

4. The issuing of false identity cards to third-country nationals so they could partake in all of our social benefits and be able to stay and work in Malta.

5. The issuing of driving licences to unqualified drivers following advice by personnel at the helm of government’s customer care services.

The proposed site of the waste-to-energy plant. Photo: WasteservThe proposed site of the waste-to-energy plant. Photo: Wasteserv

6. Police officers partaking in a huge overtime racket, revealed in 2020.

7. The withdrawal or loss of records of penalty tickets issued to those driving seacraft. Likewise, LESA had similar traffic offences allegations that got lost in time.

8. The fictitious employment by the ministry of tourism’s Institute of Tourism Studies of a former female parliamentary secretary.

9. A fictitious job with the government given to a whistleblower in the murder case of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

10. The attempted coup to transfer about 100 identity cards from other towns to Siġġiewi because the local council election result could have favoured either party, which failed because of the amazing quick action taken by the opposition in court that declared all such transfers null. Result: there is now a PN majority in the Siġġiewi local council.

11. The millions of euros thrown down the drain when a cyclotron (oncology equipment) was purchased and is still not in use.

12. The pending inquiries into the Electrogas deal, the Pilatus Bank, the Mozura wind farm deal, which allegedly regaled Yorgen Fenech with many euros, and the Marsa flyover corruption probe by the EU.

13. The police commissioner’s lack of action to abide by Germany’s European arrest warrant in the case of one Josif Galea. This among the many failures by the police commissioner to investigate criminal cases but let others (the courts) do his job.

The list goes on and on.

I invite others to mention some more similar cases not mentioned above.

Anthony SALIBA – St Paul’s Bay

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