From the online comments:
From fleeing Nazis to a life in education: at 100, Bro. Edward’s mission continues
As a former De La Salle student, I really enjoyed going through this great article and journalistic piece by Herman Grech. Kudos to him while wishing Bro. Edward more years of sterling service. – Mark Said
I completely agree. As a fellow former student it made my day. I am on holiday in Malta as I moved abroad some years ago (thanks in no small part to the education provided at De La Salle College by Bro. Edward and many other great brothers and teachers). My only regret is that I won’t be in Malta for the celebration. Best wishes to Bro. Edward. – Ġorġ Sciberras
A wise man of faith, at peace with himself and with God. He is content. Please pray for us. – Silvio Camilleri
Ad multos annos, dear Bro. Edward Galea. Pray the Good Lord to give you more birthdays and time to tell us more about your experiences. Thank you. – Joe Bonello
A living legend who has genuinely taught so many people the good values one should live by. Lucky to have crossed paths. Ad multos annos! – Justin Spiteri
Ad multos annos, dear Bro. Edward and many thanks to you and all the other Brothers who are always in my prayers for the perfect education given during my studies at De La Salle College in the 1950s, in which I was the Captain of the Blues colour and college football team. Wishing you a blessed birthday Bro. Edward. – George A. Borg
I attended De La Salle from 1947 until 1956 and Bro. Edward was my teacher for one of the dockyard classes. He did a lot of great things for the college such as sports and other activities.
I wish him the very best for his 100th birthday. – Joseph Cefai
I remember during morning assembly one day, Bro. Edward was talking about out different ages. He said something on the lines of “you [us students] are just starting life, the teachers are halfway through and I am reaching the end”. That was 35 years ago. – Benjamin Pullicino
Ad multos annos Bro. Edward. You are an inspiration to many and, yes, God’s hand has been guiding you over all these years. God bless you. – Daniel Zammit
Happy birthday Bro. Edward.
He used to allow us to fly model airplanes at the football ground. I attended both the secondary classes and the dockyard classes and chose to go to the dockyard.
We donated our first week’ s salary from the dockyard (two pound, 12 shilling and six pence) to contribute to the building of the monument (by Cremona) at the entry of De La Salle College. The whole scene is made up of as many as 100,000 pieces of mosaic blended together.
Thank you Bros Edward, Louis, Norbert, Wally, Henry, Dominic, Robert and all the others Brothers and secular teachers I do not recall. I played football for the Greens. Bro. Edward gave us a full education at De La Salle College, which has enough space to let students know what the universe outside the class is made of, including what bulls and cows in a nearby farm did and what they smelt like. That long walk from Vittoriosa to the college was a great education in itself, seeing the birth of many farm animals, and that the colouring pigment of miniature bajtar tax-xewk near the St Lawrence Cemetery opposite the college could be used for dyeing cloth. Modern schools are too clinical.
Prosit Bro Edward. – Carmel Pulè