Letters to the editor – February 24, 2025

From the online comments board

February 24, 2025| Times of Malta 3 min read
Image: Times of MaltaImage: Times of Malta

‘Daphne’s family must apologise and Labour should too’ – Jason Micallef

PL stalwart says country can never reconcile ‘unless everyone says sorry for everything together’

Jason Micallef, no decorum whatsoever. He should be ashamed for asking for an apology from Daphne’s family. She was an investigative journalist and was assassinated because of her work exposing Labour’s corruption. The PL leaders demonised and dehumanised her while their herd followed suit. Labour should apologise to her family and to the nation. – Manuel Camilleri

She did not die for personal remarks; she died exposing the corruption of the labour government. So no, Labour should apologise, Sur Micallef. And what are you doing there? Shouldn’t that be Robert Abela in your place? Why does he avoid these? – R. Mallia 

Jason Micallef debating Jason Azzopardi on Times Talk. Photo: Chris Sant FournierJason Micallef debating Jason Azzopardi on Times Talk. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

Here we are, seven years late, still waiting for a complete result of all the investigations. – Terry Kitson

Well said indeed! When faced with such absurd statements, I make a comparison and take it to the extreme. Jason Micallef’s statement about Daphne’s family apologising to the Labour Party is as absurd as expecting the families of Holocaust victims to apologise to the German people for the damage the corpses of their gassed relatives caused to German soil. – Michael Satariano

“He acknowledged her murder was horrific and could never be justified but…” That “but” says it all. There can be no excuses for this horrific murder. – Adrian Borg Cardona

This was one of Micallef’s comments about Daphne after she was brutally murdered: “There are happy people everywhere. The situation is desperate.” And he has the gall to spout drivel about reconciliation! The only Maltese statesman who wanted and initiated a campaign of national reconciliation was Eddie Fenech Adami in 1987. And he didn’t ask the MLP to apologise either. If the PL really wants to set about a reconciliation, it should apologise unconditionally for dehumanising Daphne and targeting her for her investigation into the corruption of the government’s kingpins, which, ultimately, resulted in her terrible murder. – Lino Apap

Daphne’s family should apologise. For what? For having their mother murdered? – Josephine Degabriele

Should Daphne’s family apologise because their mother was butchered by design in retaliation to the sleaze and corruption of the mafia she was uncovering? – Joseph Huber

Full solidarity with Daphne Caruana Galizia’s family. Her political assassination will continue to haunt this land. Victims of this atrocity are being requested to say sorry while perpetrators are free to do whatever they like. We now have institutionalised corruption and criminality. Civilised thought and behaviour come before the enactment of laws and not vice versa. Laws can also be used as an instrument of oppression. – Joe Pace Asciak

Normalising murder – how low can you go! – Sarah Camilleri

Closure and reconciliation can only happen when justice is done. The problem is that, in this case, like in all the corruption cases, the PL does not want justice to be done. – Joseph Galea

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