Membership of the EU and our constitution

In a recent Talking Point, a former ambassador to the EU indicated he is keen for us to have the EU embedded into our constitution. He also states the time is nigh when the veto that we and other members have in all sorts of areas will soon disappear and that all major decisions that are now ours to take will, in future, be decided by a majority vote in Brussels.

Decisions regarding taxation, immigration, foreign policy, abortion, environmental laws and much else will all be taken out of our hands and decided for us by the EU commissioners. So much for democracy!

I suppose that for those who do not trust themselves and their own fellow citizens to be grown up enough to decide for themselves this would be a good thing. For others, I think not.

Martin Bugeja – Lija

Paving at San Anton Gardens

The paving at San Anton Gardens is horrendous.The paving at San Anton Gardens is horrendous.

The paving of San Anton Gardens remains in a disastrous state. It has been so for many years.

I remember former president George Vella who clamoured for the necessary works to be carried out. Absolutely nothing has been done.

Which reminds me that goals without deadlines are no goals at all. 

I appeal to President Myriam Spiteri Debono to encourage the start of the work without further delay.

Paul Xuereb – Balzan

Abortion methods

It seems that, in the future, we might be called to cast our vote in a referendum in favour or against abortion.

Irrespective of one’s religious beliefs, one should be well informed of the true nature of the issue  proposed.

As far as I know, nowhere do abortion advocates reveal the brutal methods that terminate the development of the innocent and defenceless foetus in its mother’s womb. 

When one is aware of how abortion is carried out and how gruesome this is, one will surely not approve of it being legalised.

Phyllis Sammut Smith – Gżira

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