The peril of idolatry

Over the years, I have come to appreciate more and more the views of the late American/French theologian and Vatican II peritus Georges Travard advocating a reappraisal of Martin Luther.

The events surrounding the indulgences controversy in the early 16th century are too painful to recollect. Last Christmas, Pope Francis very appropriately announced a Jubilee Year, to recall the 1,700th anniversary of the momentous first ecumenical council, in AD325 in Nicea, today’s Turkey. Pope Francis also announced a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions and opened the so-called Jubilee Door.

Now, to be quite honest, in spite of my deepest veneration, respect, admiration and submission to our Jesuit Pope Bergoglio, somehow, I feel ill at-ease with these arcane moves. I stop here.

I have just read in Times of Malta that the feast of St Anthony the Abbot is being celebrated in Gozo, starting – here comes the choice piece – with the translation of the saint’s ‘relic’.

Oh, come on. How authentic is this ‘relic’ considering that the saint flourished in the third century in the Egyptian desert?

I find this most annoying and challenge, with all due respect, the authenticity of some of our relics strewn throughout our parishes, including, no less, that of the ‘arm of St Paul’ in Valletta. Of course, those like Theresa of Lisieux’s, George Preca’s, etc. are beyond this category.

During the novena for the union or unity of Christianity, the week before the feast of the Damascus conversion of Paul, I humbly petition my Church authorities to give some serious thought to these ‘folkloristic’ legends surrounding our annual feast celebrations, lest we find ourselves falling prey to... idolatry!

Yes, think about it, please.

Amabile Galea – Balzan

Magisterial inquiries

The law courts. Photo: Matthew MirabelliThe law courts. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Intelligent opinion maintains that if the police commissioner and the attorney general did their job properly, fewer magisterial inquiries would be necessary.

Maybe the prime minister is aiming in the wrong direction.

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

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