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Government paid €1m to expropriate a 100m pathway in Gozo

A new road in place of the pathway is needed to improve traffic flow, government says

Actually it’s a blunder exacerbated by another blunder. Anything to keep the party financiers happy. “€1m to expropriate a 100m pathway.” So generous with the people’s money. If it “were to wait for a piecemeal approach or third-party requests, these networks would take years to come into effect”. So who cares? It’s not our money and we do have to take care of our own, our developer friends close to our heart; must keep feeding these greedy pigs. – Silvio Camilleri

What a contrast to the alley sold at Villa Rosa! No shame! – Michael Gatt

People in Gozo don’t care about living conditions. As long as they get their bag of oranges at election day, they will vote Labour again. No problem. – Tony Psaila

Private contractors were in the know before everyone and already bought the land with pennies to now sell it for millions, with the blessing of the Gozo ministry. Corruption galore. – Joseph Xerri

Remind me… how much did the Villa Rosa developer pay for a pathway of vital development and economic importance to the developer? Hint… it was valued at €3 million but the government asked for much, much less. – Peter Mifsud

Since it’s taxpayer money may we know the name of the beneficiary? – E. Abela

This expropriated land needs to be revisited in the near future, to check for development on the properties facing the land. Just before the elections would be a good time for a re-visit. If there is even one development going on we’ll know that the Gozo ministry is lying. Also, don’t forget who the minister for Gozo is! – Adrian Leone-Ganado

The expropriated pathway. Photo: Daniel CiliaThe expropriated pathway. Photo: Daniel Cilia

Corruption under the Labour government never stops. – Steve Fenech

The ‘new’ road runs exactly in front of a school adjacent to the Gozo Hospital car park. Can the minister enlighten us further on how traffic congestion will be reduced given that the road will have to be closed in the mornings and afternoons to allow for pick-up/drop-off of students? Who would take a detour of five corners as opposed to one straight road on which there is rarely any traffic congestion? – J. Pace

Who cares about the people and the environment? The developers reign supreme! – Josephine Degabriele

The only way to get rid of these politicians is by your vote; most of them are too greedy. Use your vote wisely. – Mario Aquilina

This is not about traffic flow. Gozitans know and will tell you so. This is all a manoeuvre to accommodate property developers to build more along the 100-metre pathway. Instead of a rural area, we will be converting this space into concrete blocks. This requires immediate investigation. Malta is totally corrupt but Gozo under the current ministry has become even more corrupt. – Laurence Saliba

No wonder Robert Abela and his cronies want to make it impossible for the people to request inquiries into abuse, bad practices and outright criminal behaviour.

A government sunk in filth led by a few who feel it is their right to steal from the taxpayer, the hard-working workers.

This government lost all its legitimacy as it no longer serves the nation. –  R. Tonna

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