Vile smear campaign

I refer to the Times of Malta story titled ‘Revealed: Steward funded “smear” campaign against Chris Fearne’ (July 1).

According to the report, based on the OCCRP revelations, most of the funds for this anti-Fearne campaign – said to have cost around €6 million – came from funds allocated by the government to Steward Health Care for the running of the three hospitals.

The prime minister immediately reacted to this story by vowing to take immediate steps and informing the lawyers representing the Maltese government in the case against Steward in the international arbitration court based in Paris to also recoup this amount, if what is being alleged turns out to be the truth.

Labour’s deputy leader, Fearne reacted, condemning this smear campaign as “a disgusting act”. His former CEO, Carmen Ciantar, the first target of this smear campaign,  exclaimed: “It’s devastating.”

Chris Fearne and Carmen Ciantar. Photos: Jonathan Borg/Matthew MirabelliChris Fearne and Carmen Ciantar. Photos: Jonathan Borg/Matthew Mirabelli

Instead of the opposition turning on Steward Health Care and lambasting them for using such criminal methods to obtain whatever they wanted, they attacked the prime minister, going as far as to infer that he was an accomplice in this utterly disgusting criminal campaign. Will we see the magistrate, who had ordered the Labour deputy leader’s arraignment, or the attorney general, now reconsider his indictment? Will we also see Bernard Grech withdraw his court case against the state advocate demanding that Fearne is charged personally?

Things seem to have started to boomerang.


When a news outlet fulfils its mission

With all due respect to Francis Ford Coppola, I take poetic licence with his most famous line, boldly delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore (Robert Duvall): “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

Ever since I was a child growing up, I always read the newspaper, each and every day; two papers on Sunday. I could never imagine going through the day without knowing what was happening locally and throughout the world.

Even at the risk of getting printers’ ink on my hands (remember printers’ ink?). Now, as is my custom, I read Times of Malta online (but the printed version on Sunday). OK, I am addicted to reading about the latest scandals befalling governments or developers.

Because of my interest, I almost went to a university for a degree in journalism. But I did write about sports from time to time. Because of this proclivity, I even enjoy reading comments by ‘Eddy’. I have never lost my sense of humour.

I find the latest scandal, linking former minister Chris Fearne, the government and Steward Health Care, a refreshing way to link everything together, in one easy-to-read synopsis. I do wonder if some of the participants are the least bit worried about the possibility of the United States government now getting involved due to the allegations and proximity of Steward.

And, of major importance, it is a mixed blessing that Times of Malta is fulfilling its mission, even while the police seem to come up short, once again. And to the memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia, she must be smiling down on the continued excellent work by her son, Matthew.

ALAN ZELT – Naxxar

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