Freedom of expression

Reflecting upon the tragedy of Daphne Caruana Galizia, I cannot help but say that freedom of speech is very important. One should have the possibility to express oneself without any restrictions. I feel that when I share my opinion time and time again, I would have been exercising my fundamental rights and freedom.

I have every right to say what I want if it is correct from an ethical point of view. One cannot be restricted in saying what one feels like saying and should be able to have the full freedom to do so.

Everyone has an opinion and, in a democracy, is entitled to it and to express it.

Why are we stifling democracy? Why are we treating badly people acting in the best interest of our country? Why are some people opting for exclusivity and excluding others?

Debates regarding minorities and multiculturalism are usually divisive. Photo: Shutterstock.comDebates regarding minorities and multiculturalism are usually divisive. Photo:

We must fight for democracy, full freedom and justice. People should be encouraged to express their opinion.

I would also like to add that minorities have the right to express themselves too. It does not matter if you are a little group in a society; you still have a right to voice your opinion. We must stand up for minorities too. They form an integral part of society and also contribute to the development and advancement of society.

No matter what your background is, you have a right to voice your opinion like anybody else.

Debates regarding minorities and multiculturalism are usually divisive, however, we must always bear in mind the positives minorities can offer. Many cultural projects can be organised by the home country and minority’s country of origin. This may well benefit entrepreneurship. Sometimes, collaboration with minorities leads to both economic and technological advancement in society.

Rather than looking at the glass half empty, let us look at the glass half full. Freedom of expression is important for our society to practise democracy but it also serves to advance society like never before.

Mark John Galea – Sliema

Humanitarian deeds

Albert Cilia Vincenti agrees that a foetus becomes a person when born.

For donkey’s years there have been cases of abortions – moral, legal and according to the teachings of the Catholic Church – being approved. Whether by a European court or parliament is irrelevant. After all, such institutions are not necessarily always right in their decisions.

Society’s attitudes and beliefs recorded in Cilia Vincenti’s letter go against God’s commandments and I cannot see how the Church can endorse such bad practices.

Christianity has been a boon to mankind and has had a beneficial effect upon the human race. It was evident from the start that believers behaved in a way that can make us proud in life and honour Christ. They reached out to the despised, the forsaken, the abandoned, those who were lost, the insignificant or the powerless. Such humanitarian acts contributed in no small measure to the rapid rise of Christianity in the early days.

John Azzopardi – Żabbar

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