Not in my name

I would like to congratulate Albert Buttigieg for his principled article (‘Not in our name’, September 5).

I fully agree and endorse his opinions that are not subject to the Machiavellian logic that is crippling our country. It is refreshing to have a politician who does

not decide his stand according to the mood of the mob or dishonest underhand interests.

Participants at a protest in Valletta. Photo: Chris Sant FournierParticipants at a protest in Valletta. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

Well done for his article on the scandalous treatment of the Ethiopians

who have lived in Malta for so many years. It is just another indicator of the disgraceful modus operandi of this discredited and corrupt government.

Not a day passes without us not being regaled with another obscenity. For some of us, the shock factor has been so overstimulated that it fails to impact anymore.

I am also irritated when certain columnists keep telling us that many of us are happy with the status quo. This is patently untrue.

Thankfully, the media and the courts of law seem to be doing their best to expose the rot. The same cannot be said for most of the institutions controlled by the government, such as the police and the attorney general’s office.

When Malta will crawl out of this fetid quagmire of corruption is anyone’s guess. When it does, we will be greatly indebted to the likes of Buttigieg.

Klaus Vella Bardon – Balzan

War-like streets

In my whole life, I have never solicited a favour from a government source. This will, therefore, be the first time.

May I, please, ask the infrastructure minister to pop over to Annunciation and Balaguer streets, Balzan. They have been left in a dangerous and war-like state for months on end. As we say in Maltese, “jekk ma tarax ma temminx” (seeing is believing)!

Paul Xuereb – Balzan

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