Malta FA president Bjorn Vassallo inaugurates Melita FC pitch

Vassallo highlights importance of supporting member clubs

January 29, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Young Melita FC players line up on the newly-inaugurated pitch at the Melita FC ground. Photo: MFAYoung Melita FC players line up on the newly-inaugurated pitch at the Melita FC ground. Photo: MFA

The Melita FC pitch was inaugurated on Saturday by Malta FA president Bjorn Vassallo and the Challenge League club’s president Matthew Naudi.

In his speech, Vassallo outlined this inauguration as another milestone for the club hailing from St Julians.

The MFA president remarked on the importance of sustaining member clubs in creating the right environment with the best possible facilities for the development of football players from a very young age.

The assistance of the government, as a stakeholder, is essential for projects like these, in which investment in football facilities leaves an important impact on the community in general.

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