Maltese honeybee declared a national insect

In-naħla ta’ Malta evolved in isolation on the Maltese Islands

September 25, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
The Maltese honeybee has been declared a national Insect.The Maltese honeybee has been declared a national Insect.

Malta has officially declared the Maltese honeybee (Apis mellifera ruttneri) as a national insect, joining five other national species.

"This unique honeybee, known locally as in-naħla ta’ Malta, evolved in isolation on the Maltese Islands and is perfectly adapted to the local hot, dry summers." the Environment Ministry said. 

Honeybees play a vital role in agriculture and biodiversity, providing essential services like pollination and producing honey, beeswax, and other valuable products.

With this new designation, the Maltese honeybee will receive stronger legal protection and greater public awareness about its importance for pollination and environmental health, the ministry said. 

“This declaration is a proud moment for Malta. The Maltese honeybee is a symbol of our natural heritage and a key player in sustaining both our environment and agriculture,” Environment Minister Miriam Dalli said. 

Minister for Agriculture, Anton Refalo said this was  another milestone which complemented the work of the government in the preservation of local genetic resources.

The initiative aligns with ongoing efforts by the Ministries and the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) to promote biodiversity monitoring and conservation, including initiatives like the Malta Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, supported by volunteers and citizen scientists.

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