Manfred Galdes has been appointed chairman of HSBC Bank Malta, succeeding John Bonello, who has retired after 11 years of service, five of them as chairman.

Galdes is a former director of the FIAU. He  resigned in 2016 after the FIAU started investigating the Prime Minister’s chief of staff and Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi

Geoffrey Fichte, executive director and CEO, thanked Bonello. "He has chaired our bank with unwavering commitment, dedication and integrity. For this we are grateful, and we wish him and his family well for the future," he said in a statement.

He also welcomed Galdes after serving as a non-executive director for nearly three years. "The high regard with which he is held locally and across the HSBC Group makes him ideally placed to lead HSBC Bank Malta’s board for the coming years,” she said.  

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