More than a third of old lands ministry documents now digitised

Some 100,000 documents yet to be scanned

March 20, 2025| Times of Malta 1 min read
Lands Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi on a visit to the Lands Authority on Thursday. Photo: Lands Ministry.Lands Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi on a visit to the Lands Authority on Thursday. Photo: Lands Ministry.

Some 53,000 documents, around a third of the total held by the Lands Authority, have now been digitised, the Lands Ministry said Thursday.

Digitisation efforts began almost three years ago, with some 23,000 documents scanned in the last year, an increase of 9,000 over the preceding year.

Around 100,000 documents are yet to be scanned, many dating back to the early days of the Lands Department, the ministry said.

Speaking during a visit to the Lands Authority at the Auberge de Bavière in Valletta, Lands Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi called the process “an important step towards improving our public services.”

He added the Lands Authority was making investments in technologies to speed up processes and provide a more efficient service.

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