MSE equities close higher

The MSE MGS Total Return Index registered a 0.4% decline

February 11, 2023| Times of Malta 4 min read
Photo: Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors LimitedPhoto: Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited

The MSE Equity Total Return Index closed the short trading week 0.9% higher at 7,485.247 points. A total of 16 equities were active, as seven headed north, while another four closed in the opposite direction. Total weekly turnover decreased slightly from €1m to €0.9m, generated across 129 transactions.

The MSE MGS Total Return Index registered a 0.4% decline, as it closed at 885.483 points. Out of 13 active issues, one traded higher while another nine lost ground. The 5.25% MGS 2030 (I) headed the list of gainers, with a 0.3% movement. On the other hand, the 1% MGS 2031 (II) closed 6.2% lower at €82.87.

The MSE Corporate Bonds Total Return Index erased the previous week’s gain, as it shed 0.5% to end the week at 1,120.325 points. A total of 50 issues were active. Fourteen bonds closed higher while another 19 closed in the red. The 3.5% Bank of Valletta plc € Notes 2030 S1 T1 was the best performing bond, closing 10.3% higher at €94.85. Conversely, the 3.75% Tumas Investments plc Unsecured € 2027 declined by 3.7%, ending the week at €92.

Top 10 Market Movements

Bank of Valletta plc (BOV) was the most liquid equity, as 32 deals worth €280,833 were executed. BOV traded at a weekly low of €0.89 and a weekly high of €0.93. The bank ultimately closed 2.2% higher at €0.92.

HSBC Bank Malta plc was the second most active equity, as a total turnover of €267,405 was spread across 28 deals. The banking equity advanced by €0.03 or 3.3% to close the week at €0.93.

Similar to its peers, APS Bank plc registered a positive 2.5% movement in price, closing the week at €0.615. This was the outcome of 47,278 shares spread across 10 transactions.

Lombard Bank Malta plc registered a 2.2% gain, to finish the week at €0.92. A total of 31,376 shares worth €28,816 exchanged ownership across four deals.

The telecommunications operator, GO plc closed the week at €2.80, a week-on-week increase of 2.9%. Six deals involving 19,666 shares were executed.

The share price of Trident Estates plc headed north as a result of six deals worth €28,101. The equity registered a gain of 4.4%, to finish the week at €1.43.

BMIT Technologies plc gained 1.8%, as 177,102 shares were executed across 15 deals. The equity finished the week at €0.45.

On the other hand, Hili Properties plc registered a decline of 4.2%, as it ended the week at €0.23. A total of 65,000 shares exchanged ownership across seven deals.

On Monday, a sole transaction of trivial volume, dragged the share price of PG plc in negative territory. The equity closed the week at €2.08, translating in a 1% negative movement in price.

Similarly, a single deal of 6,000 Plaza Centres plc shares pushed the share price 4.3% lower to the €0.67 price level.


Malta International Airport plc announced that the board of the company will meet on February 22, 2023 to consider and approve the company’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022. During the same meeting, the board will also consider whether to declare the payment of a dividend to the company’s shareholders.

The Government of Malta will be launching a new issue of Malta Government Stocks at an aggregate nominal amount of €200m with  an over-allotment option of €150m. The bonds which will be offered are the 3.5% Malta Government Stock 2028 (VI) and the 4% Malta Government Stock 2043 (I). The offer price for each of the two bonds will be established on Thursday 16, and applications open on Monday 20, February. The offer will close on February 22 or earlier at the discretion of the Accountant General.

This article, which was compiled by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited, does not intend to give investment advice and the contents therein should not be construed as such. The Company is licensed to conduct investment services by the MFSA and is a Member of the Malta Stock Exchange and a member of the Atlas Group. The directors or related parties, including the company, and their clients are likely to have an interest in securities mentioned in this article. For further information contact Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited at 67, Level 3, South Street, Valletta, or on Tel: 21224410, or email

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