Movements in equity and bond indices

The MSE Equity Total Return Index ended the week in the red, closing 0.2% lower at 8,128.968 points. A total of 18 issues were active, four of which headed north while another seven closed in the opposite direction. The weekly total turnover reached approximately €0.8m across 134 transactions.

The MSE Corporate Bonds Total Return Index registered a 0.1% decline, as it closed at 1,174.334 points. A total of 53 issues were active, 16 of which traded higher while another 25 lost ground. The 4.5% The Ona plc Secured € 2028-2034 was the best performer, as it closed 4.1% higher at €99. On the other hand, the 4% Hili Finance Company plc Unsecured € 2027 ended the week 4% lower at €96.

The MSE MGS Total Return Index rose by 0.6%, as it reached 911.239 points. Out of 25 active issues, 19 advanced while one closed in the red. The 2.1% MGS 2032 headed the list of gainers, as it closed at €91.24, equivalent to a positive 5.7% change. Conversely, the 5.1% MGS 2029 closed 0.04% lower at €108.72.

Top 10 market movements

In the banking sector, Bank of Valletta plc shares trended 0.7% higher, finishing at a weekly high of €1.41. The banking equity generated the highest turnover during the four-day trading week, as 40 transactions worth €344,818 were executed.

Similarly, HSBC Bank Malta plc experienced an increase of 1.4% in its share price, to close the week at €1.42. A total of 18,853 shares worth €26,732 changed ownership across four deals.

On the other hand, the share price of APS Bank plc retracted by 3.9%. The banking equity closed the week at €0.50, after trading at a weekly high of €0.525 and a low of €0.496. A total of 14 deals involving 25,177 shares were executed, generating a total turnover of €12,815.

A 5.3% decline in the share price of RS2 Software plc ordinary shares had the biggest impact on the MSE Index. The equity closed the week at €0.90, as 16,544 shares changed hands across five deals. On a year-to-date the equity is down by 24.4%.

RS2 Software plc preference shares followed suit, closing 9.9% lower at €0.91. One deal of 5,000 shares was executed.

BMIT Technologies plc joined the list of losers, as seven deals of 111,900 shares pushed the share price 9.6% lower. The equity ended the week at €0.34.

Five deals of 23,611 International Hotel Investments plc shares pushed the share price into the green. The company’s price per share advanced by 2.2%, ending the week at €0.46. Five deals worth €10,900 were executed.

Malta Properties Company plc recorded a double-digit decline of 11.2%, ending the week at €0.302. Two deals of 10,135 shares generated €3,061 in turnover.

Hili Properties plc saw a 2.8% decrease in its share price, closing at a weekly low of €0.21. Five deals on a volume of 62,500 shares were executed.

PG plc experienced a positive 1% movement in its share price, finishing the week at €1.98. A total of six transactions were executed across 18,450 shares.

Company announcements

Hili Finance Company plc announced the approval of €80m 5% Unsecured Bonds 2029 of a nominal value of €100 per bond issued at par. The bond issue is guaranteed by Hili Ventures Ltd both in terms of annual interest and capital repayment upon maturity. The company will be granting preference to the directors and employees of Hili Ventures Ltd and its parent and subsidiary entities. Holders of securities of 1923 Investments plc, Harvest Technologies plc, Hili Properties plc, Premier Capital plc and Hili Finance plc will be granted preference.

Lombard Bank Malta plc announced that the board will recommend for approval at the company’s annual general meeting, a final net dividend of €0.0163 per share.

The board of Simonds Farsons Cisk plc announced that the company’s AGM will be held on June 27. The board will recommend the approval of a final net dividend of €3.96 million, or €0.11 per ordinary share.

Similarly, the board of Trident Estates plc announced that the company’s AGM will be held on June 27.

VBL plc announced that the company’s AGM is scheduled to be held on July 26. The board will recommend for the approval the distribution of a final net dividend of €200,000,  or €0.000803 per ordinary share.

The board of Mapfre Middlesea plc is scheduled to meet on July 29 to consider and approve the interim financial statements for the half-year ended June 30, 2024.

RS2 plc announced that the company’s AGM was held on Wednesday, whereby all resolutions considered by the shareholders were approved.


This article, compiled by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited, does not intend to give investment advice and the contents therein should not be construed as such. The company is licensed to conduct investment services by the MFSA and is a member of the Malta Stock Exchange and the Atlas Group. The directors or related parties, including the company, and their clients are likely to have an interest in securities mentioned in this article. For further information contact Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited at 67, Level 3, South Street, Valletta, Tel. 2122 4410, or e-mail

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