A new mosaic mural, affixed next to John Paul II Ward at Gozo General Hospital was inaugurated by President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, founder and chairperson of the Malta Trust Foundation, and Anton Grech, clinical chairman, Mental Health Services Malta and Professor of Psychiatry at University.

The mosaic project started at the beginning of February, under the direction of mosaic artist Mary Portelli. Members of the Step Ahead group of persons with mental health challenges, set up 10 years ago by two mental health professionals from the Gozo General Hospital –  Jeanette Falzon and Pauline Camilleri – came up with a topic for this piece of art – an image of St John Paul II.

The group of service users embarked on this ambitious project, participating in a weekly activity to get the job done, assisted by Falzon and Camilleri under the guidance of Portelli.

The project was sponsored by the EEA Norwegian Grants through the Malta Trust Foundation, in collaboration with the Mental Health Association Gozo.

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