Not all is well at Valletta’s bus terminus. The place is shabby throughout. There are no public toilets for passengers and drivers; no proper benches to sit on; no real rest room for the drivers who gather as best as they can in the shade close to the kiosks, shifting mobile benches as they need them. Part of the area, which is not properly shaded from wind, rain or sunshine, is still a building site. It is definitely not fit for purpose.






Sewage overflow

Drainage is flowing regularly into the sea at Manoel Island between the bridge and the petrol station. Most of the time, the drainage is carried away by the current. Something should be done immediately to stop it.







Spelling error

The photo shows a marble plate recently embedded in the road before entering Narrow Street from Palm Street, in Victoria. The place is frequented and photographed by hundreds of tourists every day. The mistake should be corrected immediately.






Beetle hogging

This car, bearing foreign number plates, was parked on the yellow lines and partly on the bus stop in Tigné. Is there any action that can be taken not to allow the owners of cars with foreign number plates from breaking the rules with impunity?



Into the deep

Quite a few health-conscious people use the stretch of the Mrieħel bypass for their exercise walk or jog. However it has become quite a feat since shrubs on the side have grown considerably and are blocking most of the pavement. The shrubs should be cut to make the pavements more accessible.

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