The personal details of a long list of individuals such as names, ID numbers and mobile phone numbers were found in bags of documents which littered a Żebbuġ street on Wednesday evening.

The Malta Rangers Unit said the documents detailed the names of persons a particular individual had been in contact with before the election.

Other documents included psychological evaluations of patients.

"It was evident that the garbage, flying all over, belonged to a household nearby and their identities could easily be confirmed. The dumped material seemed to be from a cleanout of a house, with old documents, suitcases and other bulky items," the rangers unit said.

It said it contacted the environment authority and its officers compiled all the evidence and is investigating the matter.

CCTV footage from the area is expected to be studied.

"We hope that the consequences for the offender will match the crime committed. This is not a matter of simple littering, but willful dumping and causing degradation of the locality," the unit said.





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