Noise is the bane of life in Malta but this will soon be the subject of a petition to be heard by the European Parliament on February 20.

MEP Peter Agius and MP Albert Buttigieg are calling for the implementation of an EU Directive on noise in Malta. Filed on behalf of residents, the petition urges immediate action to ensure effective noise pollution control.

Residents in many areas of Malta and Gozo endure persistent noise pollution from amplified music and roadworks, with Maltese authorities failing to enforce EU-mandated noise mapping and action plans.

Malta’s “Noise Action Plan for Malta Agglomeration 2019-2024” remains largely unimplemented, leaving residents unprotected from excessive noise exposure.

“I get contacted weekly by people telling me how they get no support from authorities when they complain about noise pollution. After studying the situation we realised that the Maltese Government is not implementing EU standards on noise levels and rest times. This is why law enforcement officials are impotent to act. Thousands of families all over Malta are being denied their fundamental right to a peaceful environment. EU laws exist to protect citizens, and Malta must enforce them.” Agius said on Saturday.

The Petition in front of the European Parliament now asks the European Commission to investigate Malta’s non compliance, demand enforcement of noise controls, and explore remedies for affected residents.

Agius urged everyone to "support this cause by signing the petition online. This will send a strong signal that we intend enjoying our EU right."

The petition can be signed directly on the European Petitions website or through an online campaign.


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