A research project exploring the use of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in elderly care is set to launch in the coming months, the Secretariat for Research and Innovation announced Thursday.

In a statement, the secretariat said the Human-centred Elderly Assistance with Robotic Technology and Support (HEARTS) project will see caregivers in elderly care homes assisted with daily tasks, helping them to focus on more critical activities.

The pilot project for the initiative is set to be tested at San Vinċenz de Paule elderly residence in the coming months.

Speaking at a press conference announcing the project, HEARTS project leader professor Conrad Attard said semi-humanoid robots powered by AI would be able to help with cleaning and reminding residents to take medication.

They could also be used to provide social companionship for elderly residents receiving few visitors and left to spend significant amounts of time alone, he said.

San Vinċenz de Paule CEO Jorgen Souness expressed his support for the project, highlighting its potential benefits for active ageing activities. He added the home was open to more such projects that could improve the lives of residents.

While praising the initiative, Parliamentary Secretary Keith Azzopardi Tanti stressed “the robots we are discussing today will in no way replace the workers who care for the elderly.”

“On the contrary, through this project, they will be able to focus on more significant matters," he said.

"With this project, we are addressing another important sector where technological advancements will facilitate the impeccable and highly beneficial work that healthcare professionals are carrying out".

Azzopardi Tanti invited Attard and the HEARTS team to extend the project beyond elderly care homes to individual residencies, to allow elderly individuals to continue living in their communities.

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