The Nationalist Party said it won 63 per cent of the overall vote in the first administrative committees' elections held yesterday, which had a low turnout of 35 per cent.
The Labour Party said it won a majority of votes in two of the seven elections. It added that nine of its 10 candidates were elected and it won enough votes to win another four seats, had it had more candidates.
A total of 53 candidates took part, including 10 candidates from Labour and 36 from PN. Three per cent of the votes went to independent candidates.
Elections were held in Bubaqra, Fleur-de-Lys, Kappara, Paceville, Madliena, Marsalforn and Xlendi.
The committees will be allocated a portion of the budget of their respective councils, calculated mostly on the basis of the population of their hamlets. They will be able to take all decisions related to their area and may apply for special funds from the government and the EU.
Elections for another six hamlets will be held later in the year.