Roberta Metsola has received the Cross of Good Neighbourhood for her commitment to the people of Belarus and their struggle for freedom and democracy.

The President of the European Parliament is the third person to receive this award.

The leader of the democratic forces of Belarus Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya presented the award to Metsola at the European Parliament and expressed her gratitude for her dedication towards all the people of Belarus fighting for freedom.

Accepting the award, Metsola said: "the values that underpin the struggles of the people of Belarus bind us together as Europeans".

She referred to the elections held in 2020 and their aftermath, which saw more than 1,500 women and men being imprisoned for making their voice heard.

“I have always seen freedom and democracy as basic values and rights that should be enjoyed by everyone, guaranteed everywhere. For the past years, the people of Belarus have shown great courage in never giving up. Europe stands strong with them.

"They should live in freedom, free from autocracy and free from oppression. Elections cannot be stolen. People cannot be thrown in jail for speaking out,” Metsola said.

Since last year, diplomatic and government staff of Belarus have been banned from entering the premises of the European Parliament.

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