Scheme for better use of Maltese in newspapers launched

Funds for projects that may last up to a year to be provided

March 30, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
Photo: Omar Camilleri, DOIPhoto: Omar Camilleri, DOI

A scheme to enable better use of the Maltese language in newspapers has been launched by the National Heritage Ministry.

The scheme will offer financial assistance for linguistic services including in ortography andjournalistic expression in terms of style, clarity, syntax and semantics to newspapers printed in Maltese.

This part of the scheme will come with a budget of €150,000 and each project will be eligible to a maximum of €30,000.

The scheme will also support expenses for the creation of regular content related to art, culture and natural heritage designed to inform readers abbout cultural aspects through features, articles and visual material for the promotion of events and projects in a bid to attract new audiences

This will have a budget of €250,000 and each project will be eligible for a maximum of €30,000.

The fund can cover 100% of a project and each project will be given a maximum of 12 months for implementation.

The call closes on May 23 at noon and results will be published on July 4. Projects will have to be implemented between July 5, 2023 and July 4, 2024.

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