Updated 11am with PN statement

The US embassy on Wednesday marked seven years from the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, urging the authorities to fully implement the recommendations from the public inquiry into her assassination. 

In a statement, the embassy said Caruana Galizia lost her life in a brutal act aimed at silencing her courageous efforts to uncover corruption.

"Seven years later, justice remains elusive for Caruana Galizia. We stand in solidarity with her family, the media, civil society, and Maltese authorities dedicated to fully implementing the Public Inquiry's recommendations."

The embassy said the US reaffirmed its commitment to the rule of law and the essential role of a free and independent press around the globe.

"We denounce the use of violence to suppress dissenting voices. Here in Malta, we support the efforts of local partners to promote responsible journalism and ensure a safe environment for reporters. We emphasize the need for transparency and openness to uphold good governance," the embassy said, adding that Caruana Galizia’s legacy continued through the ongoing pursuit of justice and reform that her work inspired.

Caruana Galizia was killed on October 16, 2017 at around 3pm in a car bomb near her home in Bidnija.

Nearly four years later, an inquiry into her assassination said the state should shoulder responsibility for her death.

The inquiry board issued a comprehensive list of recommendations with its key demand being that the state should formally acknowledge the "grave shortcomings" of Joseph Muscat's administration leading up to the car bomb.

It also said the police and all relevant authorities should continue their investigations to ensure anyone involved in the assassination is held accountable.

But it also called for change in the relationship between business and government, the police force, and the protection of journalists.

A silent gathering will meet at the Bidnija site on Wednesday at 3pm.

Then at 7pm, a protest march will be followed by a vigil in Valletta. 

Journalists commemorate Caruana Galizia in Brussels

Meanwhile, journalists and representatives from the Media Freedom Rapid Response will on Wednesday meet outside the Residence Palais in Brussels to commemorate the life and work of the slain journalist.

The Media Freedom Rapid Response is a Europe-wide mechanism that tracks, monitors and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU states.

In a statement ahead of the commemoration, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, Article 19 Europe, the European Federation of Journalists, Free Press Unlimited, International Press Institute and the OBC Transeuropa said that as a symbol of press freedom, Caruana Galizia’s legacy highlighted the urgent need for stronger protections for journalists and accountability for crimes committed against them.

"Caruana Galizia has become the symbol of investigative journalists who are threatened and assaulted as a result of their work. We owe it to her, her family and the entire journalists’ community in Europe that such a heinous crime should not happen again.

"We urge national authorities and the EU to do more to protect journalists and combat the impunity of crimes committed against them," they added.

The group expressed solidarity with the activities of the Caruana Galizia Foundation and the work done by her family.

They said they hoped that the ongoing trial in Malta would help resolve all outstanding questions in the case and bring a much-needed conclusion.

'Government sought to erase memory of Caruana Galizia': PN

The PN also marked the anniversary of Caruana Galizia's murder, urging "people of goodwill" to continue working together to ensure that the full truth is revealed and that justice is served for her family.

"It is scandalous that the government continues to sustain the same climate of impunity that enabled the assassination of Caruana Galizia. The PN recalls that the three judges who conducted the inquiry into her murder clearly stated in their report: 'The Board is satisfied, and all the indicators point in this direction, that although the exact motive has not yet been established, there is nothing to suggest that the assassination did not occur as a direct result of Caruana Galizia’s investigations into serious allegations of mismanagement of public administration, abuse of power, and corruption, in a backdrop of close and questionable links between politics, big business, and organised crime...'

"While the Government continues to drag its feet in implementing the recommendations of this inquiry, at every opportunity, the Labour government has sought to erase the memory of Caruana Galizia and her investigations," the party said.

The government continued to attack those striving to uncover the truth and seek justice, including judges and magistrates, the PN, and civil society activists, the PN said in its statement. 

"Everyone knows that our country is governed by a government mired in corruption, which has learnt absolutely nothing from the murder of Caruana Galizia. Despite a change in prime minister, our country remains plagued by the same abuses of power, corruption, and scandals that have become the order of the day, the party added.

The PN urged the government to 

  • immediately implement the recommendations of the public inquiry
  • publish the White Paper on the necessary reforms to Malta’s media and information laws
  • withdraw and cancel the Justice Minister’s plans to reintroduce criminal libel laws that would allow for the imprisonment of journalists

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