Over 15 resident groups and organisations are calling on Tourism Minister Ian Borg to stop the "rampant abuse of open public spaces by commercial establishments".

The group wrote to Borg flagging lack of enforcement and action by the authorities to stop commercial establishments from illegally appropriating public spaces across the islands.

"Tables and chairs, umbrellas, planters, food displays, street platforms, enclosures and other paraphernalia have taken over pedestrian areas, pavements, parking spaces, entire streets and beaches reducing the quality of life and safety of residents and visitors alike," they said in a statement.

They lamented weak enforcement including "insignificant fines" which they claimed encouraged operators of such establishments to continue misappropriating public spaces.

"This situation is creating an uneven playing field, impacting public spaces, urban conservation areas, accessibility, and overall urban management.

"Catering businesses should not be allowed to encroach on public outdoor areas, and urban developments must respect physical capacity constraints to ensure a well-planned and sustainable environment where free public spaces, catering, retail, and creative industries coexist to ensure the authenticity and enhance the experience of our cities and towns."

They insisted that if strict compliance was expected in tourism accommodation, the same principle should apply to all commercial activities impacting public spaces. 

The groups are the Marsascala Residents’ Network, Sliema Residents Association, Residenti Beltin, Residenti tal-Mellieha, San Pawl Residents, Azzjoni: Tuna Artna Lura, Residenti Belt Victoria, Moviment Graffitti, Il-Kollettiv, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Din l-Art Helwa, Wirt Ghawdex, Friends of the Earth Malta, MOVE, ADPD and Momentum.


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