Immanuel Mifsud took home the prize for best poetry when National Book Prizes for 2024 were doled out on Friday night.

Mifsud’s Għażiż Ġismi, published by Klabb Kotba Maltin, beat titles by Maria Grech Ganado and Adrian Grima to the prize.

It was a relatively quiet evening for Maltese fiction writers, with no nominees for best novel and prize assessors deciding not to award the best short story prize to either of the two nominated finalists, Trevor Zahra and Alfred Sant.

There were no longlisted titles for the best drama prize.

Adjudicators said they decided not to shortlist titles for best novel as the overall literary quality fell short of the expectations for a national award.

No prize was awarded for the short story prize because both shortlisted titles fell short of the minimum score of 90 marks, they said.

Warren Bartolo’s translation from the ancient Greek of Saffo, Il-Frammenti ta’ Saffo, won the prize for best translated work.

Paul P. Borg won the prize for best literary non-fiction for his book shedding new light on poet Rużar Briffa, Fejjaqtni Int: Rużar Briffa – u Jien.

Judge, writer and Times of Malta contributor Giovanni Bonello won a lifetime achievement award, while Ryan Falzon was named the best emergent writer of the year.

Winning titles were selected from a shortlist of 61 titles, published in the preceding year, across 12 competitive categories. In all, 49 books were shortlisted in the various prize categories, and 27 books for children and young adults were shortlisted in the six Terramaxka Prize categories.

Adjudicators were full of praise for shortlisted contenders in Terramaxka categories, which focus on the best books for children and young adults.

They praised the books for their engaging themes, contemporary illustrations, and the creative way authors and illustrators addressed new and important topics for young readers. The overall high standard of entries reflected the growing quality of children’s literature, they said.

Claire Azzopardi’s Madame Ortensja Paskwalina De Rohan, illustrated by Moira Scicluna Zahra, won the prize for best original work for children up to age 7.

Leanne Ellul’s Il-Każ tal-Kappell Ikkalibrat, illustrated by Marisa Attard, won the prize for children aged 8-12.

Claire Azzopardi was also a winner in the young adult literature category. She and co-author Glen Calleja took home the prize for Iż-Żmien Kurjuż taż-Żgħożija.

Winners (see full list below) were announced at a ceremony held at the Maritime Museum in Vittoriosa.

The National Book Prize is presented annually by the National Book Council (NBC), with winning titles chosen by an independent board of adjudicators.

NBC executive chairperson Mark Camilleri emphasised the importance of collaboration between authors, editors, publishers, and the Council. He also announced the launch of a Foreign Rights Catalogue and the Malta Book Centre.

Education Minister Clifton Grima emphasised the importance of literary excellence as a reflection of a nation’s intellectual development. He encouraged more Maltese writers to create works in the Maltese language, and commended the NBC for its work to promote Maltese literature both locally and internationally.

National Book Prize for Adults 2024

Novels in Maltese and English

No shortlisted titles

Short Stories in Maltese and English

Prize not awarded

Poetry in Maltese and English

Għażiż Ġismi by Immanuel Mifsud (Klabb Kotba Maltin)


No longlisted titles 


Il-Frammenti ta’ Saffo (Saffo) translated by Warren Bartolo (Ede Books)

Literary Non-Fiction in Maltese and English

Fejjaqtni Int: Rużar Briffa – u Jien by Paul P. Borg (Self-published)


Vincenzo Bonello: His Legacy in Heritage edited by Theresa Vella (Kite Group)

Historiographic Research

Jacques François de Chambray: The Order He Served, the Island He Loved, and the Fort He Built by Joseph Scicluna (Kite Group)

Best Book Production

Ede Books for the book Il-Frammenti ta’ Saffo (Saffo) translated by Warren Bartolo

Lifetime Achievement Award 

Giovanni Bonello

Award for Best Emergent Writer

Ryan Falzon

Terramaxka Prize for Children and Young Adults 2024

Original Works for Children ages 0–7

Madame Ortensja Paskwalina De Rohan by Clare Azzopardi, illustrated by Moira Scicluna Zahra (Merlin Publishers)

Original Works for Children ages 8–12

Il-Każ tal-Kappell Ikkalibrat by Leanne Ellul, illustrated by Marisa Attard (Merlin Publishers)

Young Adult Literature

Iż-Żmien Kurjuż taż-Żgħożija edited by Clare Azzopardi and Glen Calleja (Aġenzija Żgħażagħ)


Translation for Children ages 0–7

Iddeverti Kemm Tiflaħ, Binti! (Mandy Archer; Shane Crampton ill.) translated by Janet Mallia (BDL Publishing)


Translation for Children ages 8–12

Maskra Ħamra: Sensiela Kif Issir Supereroj 2 (Elias Våhlund; Agnes Våhlund ill.) translated by Antoinette Borg (Merlin Publishers)

Young Adult Literature in Translation

Fake ta’ Veru (Nereida Carrillo; Alberto Montt ill.) translated by David Aloisio (Merlin Publishers)

Best Book Production

Merlin Publishers for the book M għal Malta by Naomi Gatt

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