The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with news on how rising temperatures would have deadlier consequences in Malta than in any other European country, according to a landmark study.

Separately the newspaper reports that RTK103 will appeal a second broadcasting authority's decision to fine the radio station for not giving a platform to far-right party Imperium Europa on a programme hosted by Andrew Azzopardi.

The Malta Independent reports that former Malta Enterprise CEO Mario Galea dismissed a controversial memorandum of understanding signed between the government and a group of investors who would go on to form the company Vitals Global Healthcare as “a piece of paper with no legal value".

The newspaper also publishes a call by PN leader Bernard Grech for the resignation of home affairs minister Byron Camilleri in a bid to begin rebuilding anew the faith in Malta’s identification system.

In-Nazzjon reports on the PN's appeal to people with any information on identity fraud to reach out to the party amid claims of a racket within Identità.

It also reports on power cuts in Marsaxlokk that are negatively impacting restauranteurs among others.

L-orizzont reports on the funeral of Lorenzo Vella, head of the European Commission Representation in Malta who died aged 43 following a short illness.

The newspaper meanwhile refers to comments by prime minister Robert Abela who told an interview that 10 measures implemented in the past weeks show the government's commitment to invest in people.

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