The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta reports that a leading estate agent advertised a property with the warning “no Pakis, Indians, Arabs and Philippines” after accidentally publishing an “internal comment” instead of the property description.

It also reports how the Bolt cab service company claimed fares had risen automatically because of a shortage of drivers. 

The Malta Independent also leads with the situation affecting Bolt, saying the company has denied raising prices as retaliation for restrictions on third-country nationals. It also reports on the feud between Jason Micallef and Robert Abela.

In-Nazzjon leads with a PN call for observance or standards and a return to normality when the government issues a call for tenders. The call was made in relation to the tender for the waste-to-energy plant. It also reports that the tourism minister is facing criticism over a lack of a holistic plan for Comino.

l-orizzont features the funeral of former minister Joe Brincat. Cardinal Mario Grech said he was inspired by a political philosphy and the gospel.


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